Erich Hartmann
( )
02/05/2007 22:09:42
Сам спросил - сам ответил!!!

Разводка вот в чем... просят выслать баблосы за пересылку чека с выигрешем... вот так! Теперь даже не интересно стало.

На сайте курьерской компании нарыл...

Beware Web Fraud
We understand that our web address is being used to validate an attempted web fraud. An apparently plausible e-mail containing links to both Scarlet Couriers and the National Lottery web-sites suggests that the recipient has won a substantial sum on the lottery and that once an amount of money has been sent to process the claim a cheque will be delivered by Scarlet Couriers.

Please send no money to these people.

Scarlet Couriers have reported this to the police and continue to notify all who contact us that this is merely an attempt to part them from their money.

We have no connection with any lottery and do not hold or deliver cheques on their behalf.

В Нигерии су*и сидят и баблосы стригут

Scam phone numbers in the United Kingdom (+44):

Most "419" scams using +44 70xx numbers involve emails that are sent from Nigeria and other West African countries, not from the UK! If you see a +44 70xx number in a 419 scam email it usually means you're dealing with criminals based in Nigeria.

UK phone numbers starting with '70' are "Personal numbering" in the "Find me anywhere" range. Charges for calls to these numbers are not distance-dependent. They can cost as much as UKL 0.50 (USD 0.90) per minute to call and can forward the call to virtually any phone number in the world. Forwarding numbers can be set up for free and completely anonymously via websites such as

In most cases when you call one of these numbers the phone that starts ringing will actually be a mobile phone somewhere in Nigeria, as the UK number has been programmed to auto-forward calls to another number. These +44 70xx numbers are used as a redirector service to obscure the fact that the person taking the call is not actually based in Europe. The UK number is used to lend credibility to the scam.