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17/09/2005 01:40:36
Города и Люди Вима Вендерса...

Вендерс, легенда немецкого кинемотографа, большой друг U2

Отель Миллион долларов...
Лиссабонская история...
Небо над Берлином... Далеко, так близко
До самого конца света...

О чем? О Людях, об Ангелах, о городах... судьбы людей и городов привязываются друг к дургу...

Filmography 2000s - 1980s

1. Don't Come Knocking (2005)
2. Land of Plenty (2004)
3. "The Blues" (2003) (mini) TV Series (episode "The Soul of a Man")
4. The Soul of a Man (2003)
5. U2: The Best of 1990-2000 (2002) (V) (video "Stay (Faraway, So Close!)") (video "The Ground Beneath Her Feet")
6. Ten Minutes Older: The Trumpet (2002) (segment "Twelve Miles to Trona")
7. Ode to Cologne: A Rock 'N' Roll Film (2002)
8. The Million Dollar Hotel (2000)
9. Buena Vista Social Club (1999)
10. Willie Nelson at the Teatro (1998)
11. The End of Violence (1997)
12. Lumière and Company (1996)
13. Brothers Skladanowsky (1995)
14. Beyond the Clouds (1995)
15. Lisbon Story (1994)
16. Faraway, So Close! (1993)
17. Arisha, the Bear and the Stone Ring (1992)
18. Until the End of the World (1991)
19. Red Hot and Blue (1990) (TV)
20. A Notebook on Clothes and Cities (1989)
21. The Sky Above Berlin (Wings of Desire) (1987)
22. Tokyo-Ga (1985)
23. Paris, Texas (1984)
24. Docu Drama (1984)
25. The State of Things (1982)
26. Hammett (1982)
27. Room 666 (1982) (TV)
28. Reverse Angle (1982) (TV)
29. Lightning Over Water (1980)